MX Linux Enlightened, Customized, Molded and Shaped for Content Creators..

The multimedia content-creation focus AV Linux has provided since 2008 is now combined with the powerful versatility of MX Linux! AV Linux MX Edition (AVL-MXe) comes with a high-performance Liquorix Kernel and the beautiful and efficient Enlightenment Desktop Environment. In addition are a whole host of useful tools including the venerable ‘MX-Tools’ paired with the convenience of specialized custom utilities. This system is tuned out of the box for fast low-latency Audio performance, seamless PipeWire integration and optional support for Windows Audio and Plugin applications through Wine-Staging and yabridge. Currently AV Linux MX Edition is recognized by MX Linux and utilizes its Build tools and Packaging but is not an official MX Linux product.
*AVL-MXe merges the former XFCE4-based AV Linux with the MXDE-EFL Enlightenment spin.
Downloads are provided on my own VPS. ISO files with accompanying MD5, SHA256 and SIG files are all provided for security verification. AVL-MXe is only available in 64bit architecture with MX ‘AHS’ (Advanced Hardware Support).
AV Linux MX Edition is provided free of charge and is fully functional (except for included 3rd party Software Demos). It takes a tremendous amount of time and effort to develop and maintain such a specialized Operating System and these efforts all have associated costs both monetary and otherwise. If you use AVL-MXe regularly I would ask you to consider making a donation here or to the MX Linux parent organization in recognition of the costs involved. People doing content production regularly purchase various Add-ons, Plugins and other Applications in the course of their work, I would ask you to give the same consideration to the Operating System that hosts them. Thanks!
Retrieve the AV Linux GPG Key with this command:
gpg --keyserver hkps://keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 5DBC090C710C87B3
*NEW! An AV Linux 23.5 ‘Base’ “Greatest Hits” version has been released
*Most recent full release is 23.2 “Enlightened”
If needed the Live Media password is ‘demo’
AV Linux MX Edition contains some Customized Applications and Packaging that is not available within a Repository at this time. In the event that you need to retrieve or reinstall any of that special Packaging an archived web FTP folder has been provided for your convenience here
This is a spare time project, it has been maintained since 2008 when time and resources are available, I cannot commit to full time daily support and as such there is no dedicated User Forum. Most common questions are covered in the Video linked above and when time allows I can be found in the MX Linux Respins sub-forum and in the Linuxmusicians Distribution sub-forum. Help is always needed and wanted for existing Users of AVL-MXe to assist other Users.