This is an updated 64bit AVL-MXE ISO to address the following issues:
The previous ISO release had the AVL-MXE Thunar custom actions overwritten by the MX Thunar defaults.. One of the best features of AVL-MXE is the numerous useful and unique Custom Actions so this needed to be fixed as soon as I discovered it!
Fixed Logout from the XFCE4 Whisker menu to use the Custom AVL-MXE logout and not the unthemed XFCE4 one..
I’ve added libxcb-util1 in order for people who use Bitwig to be able to install and use the latest Bitwig 3.3.10. Credit for these supplemental Packages goes to Stevo!
The LinVST ‘.so’ files have been refreshed on this ISO so Windows VST Plugin scans in Ardour should go a bit more smoothly the first time. It is crucial to run ‘Configure Wine-Staging’ from the AVL-MXE Assistant before running the first Plugin scan in Ardour 6.7!
This ISO features an easter egg of the new matching ‘Diehard3’ colors theming by default in Ardour 6.7. If you prefer the Ardour default theme then go to Edit–>Preferences–>Colors
*IMPORTANT!! If you installed the previous AVL-MXE-2021.05.22-xfce4-openbox-amd64 ISO you don’t have to upgrade or reinstall to get the fixes, simply follow these instructions:
To fix the missing AVL-MXE Thunar custom actions just download and extract this zip file and replace the ‘uca.xml’ file in ~/.config/Thunar/ in your home folder. On the next start of Thunar all those AVL-MXE custom actions should be back!
To get the Whisker menu pointed to the correct logout right-click on the panel Menu button and select ‘Properties’ and then make the changes in the image below:
If (and only if) you want to install Bitwig 3.3.10 on AVL-MXE then download and install both the 32bit and 64bit versions of these ‘libxcb-util1’ Debian Packages before installing Bitwig.
Lastly if you are interested in adding the ‘Diehard’ colors theme to Ardour in your existing AVL-MXE install take a look here
Get the updated and fixed AVL-MXE 2021.06.18 ISO here
This will be the last AVL-MXE on MX-19/Debian Buster, work now begins on moving to future MX-21/Debian Bullseye and there will be no release of AVL-MXE based on Bullseye until after both Debian Bullseye and MX-21 are officially released.